Greetings friends and family—
Since so many of you have heard and asked about Shirley’s impending lung transplant, we decided to create this blog as a means of keeping everyone informed. This is our first attempt at writing a blog, so this is a bit of an experiment.
As you know, an organ transplant is not something that is scheduled. At some point, we’ll just receive a call—in the middle of the night, out shopping, during a dinner party, while playing bunko, wherever/whenever (like at 6 am, much to Shirley's chagrin). And when it comes, we make a mad dash to Seattle. But we have no idea when that call will come. It could happen next week, or not for a couple of years.
Once the surgery does take place, this forum will be my means of keeping everyone updated on Shirley’s progress and rehabilitation. The blog will be updated daily with news of her progress. In the mean time, we’ll use it to provide some background information. We’ll post regular news as we receive it, but will also provide some detail on her disease, the transplant program, preparing Shirley's body for transplant, organ donation and whatever topics come to mind.
We hope that this becomes an interactive medium. Please share your comments and questions.
I am writing this with Shirley’s full approval. She is more than willing to share her story and answer questions. Shirley will contribute her own postings from time to time as well. While initially created to update our family and friends, if you feel the information provided would be useful to others you know, please feel free to pass along word of this blog. If the information we share can help encourage people to become organ donors or provide support to others awaiting transplants, then we feel blessed to be able to share.
That’s all for now.
Greg (& Shirley)