Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Strange Night

Today was Shirley's normal day for having her wound vac changed. But today, for the first time, the procedure was done bedside.  This made it be a 15-minute procedure instead of a 2+ hour trip to the OR and general anesthesia.  Afterwards, the surgeons said they were happy with how the healing was progressing and that they intend to do another bed-side change on Friday. If all goes according to plan, next Tuesday will be a return trip to the OR as they suture more of the wound closed.

Shirley did a full hour with the Occupational Therapist. The session went well and the OT said she thought from her standpoint she was nearly ready to move to the in-patient rehab center.  I think Shirley is further behind with her physical therapy so we have to work more on that to catch up.  

One nice surprise was that the surgeons removed her feeding tube today.  She is now done to just four tubes remaining (2 wound vacs, gall bladder drain and her PICC IV line). 

Tonight, one of other patients just a couple doors down went into cardiac arrest.  We heard him call out and then heard them announce the Code Blue over the intercom.  Shirley's nurse for the night, Jamie, was also his nurse and had to revive him with the crash cart.  The man survived and has been moved to ICU.  It is amazing to watch the staff respond to an emergency like that. 

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