Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy Anniversary

It suddenly dawned on me that it was the 14th.  Six months ago today, Shirley got her new lungs.  What a wild six months it has been.  And it's been six months and a day since Shirley has been home--but we plan to remedy that next week.  :)

Today, Shirley's sister Betsy came for a visit. She's in the states for a few weeks visiting from her home in France.  This is her second visit since the transplant, but this time Shirley is up and able to move around and visit.

We continue to do retail therapy daily.  Today it was just the grocery store, but yesterday it was an hour-plus at Costco, then another hour clothes shopping at Kohl's.

Each day she gets a little stronger.  Today she did the steps into Pete & Caroline's house without having to put her knee braces on for additional support.

Tomorrow, Shirley has invited some friends over and is going to be the cook--something she loves, but hasn't been able to do for quite some time.

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