Sunday, September 1, 2013

Part 2

We've moved from the stage of each day being something new, different, frightening or exciting; to each day being small incremental steps towards full recovery.  The pace is much slower and to keep from boring our readers to death, the pace of posting blogs with shift back.  It has been very interesting over the last few days to hear how many friends, neighbors and family were checking in daily for updates.  I've been chastised slightly for not posting for awhile, so here we go.

I might suggest that since the pace will be slowing down, you may elect to become a follower of the page, which I believe then sends you notifications when there is a new post.  Please correct me if I'm wrong on that point.

It's been eleven days since the last post.  In that time, Shirley has been challenged by the continuing burden of back pain.  This has hampered how much exercise she has been able to do.  Despite the pain, she has regularly left the house and gone to various appointments and shopping.  The last couple of days. the walker has stayed in the car and she has ventured out with a supporting arm or a shopping cart to help with her balance.  She's also weaning herself off the supplemental oxygen the has been taking.

This coming Friday, she finally has her first post-release physical therapy appointment. The delay was due to a communication mix-up that has now been resolved.

This Tuesday, we go back to Seattle for follow-up visits.  In addition to meeting with the transplant team, she will have a bone density evaluation to determine if she has developed osteoporosis.   This could explain the back problems if indeed her bone density has diminished.

I'll provide another update later this week when we return from Seattle and have some test results.

1 comment:

Bill Beckett said...

Looking forward to watching a few Duck games with you two this fall!

Love Ruth & Bill