Thursday, March 21, 2013

A blog milestone is reached

Those of you who know me well, know I'm a stat geek.  So it was with glee that I discovered that blog service we are using keeps all kinds of metrics.  And today we topped 10,000 page views of people following along on Shirley's recovery!

The other fun thing I've been watching is what country readers are from.  The service permits me to see how many page hits there are by nation. With the far-flung Hauge family, there are a few that were no surprise (e.g. South Korea, France, Panama and of course USA). And there are the many friends we know about in Thailand  China, Japan, Iceland, Germany and Ireland.

But what has amazed me is the other places where readers have come from.  We have followers in Russia, Ukraine, Netherlands, Mexico, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Belgium, Italy... you get the picture.

If you are one of our readers from afar, I'd love it if you'd leave a comment and tell us how you found the site.  We have always encouraged the sharing of this blog and I am very interested in hearing how this story is spreading.

Cheers, and thanks to all of you for reading along.

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