Shirley's first 24 hours back in the hospital has for the most part been uneventful. Unless there is something considered an emergency, most specialty services are done Monday through Friday. And while Shirley was not in great shape by any means, they have been able to stabilize her and get things scheduled for Monday.
A feeding tube was inserted in her nose that is permitting her to take nourishment and doesn't appear to be affected by whatever issue was making it difficult for her to eat while at home. She has even had some soup and a little bit of fruit. All good things.
Tomorrow, she will be seen by the Gastroenterology Department to investigate the gut issues. I'm not sure what procedure will be used, but we're grateful that this issue is finally getting some attention. She will also be seen by the Interventional Radiology department where they will insert a small tube to help drain some of the excess fluid that has accumulated in her chest cavity. This fluid is putting pressure on her lungs and has made breathing more difficult over the last few days. They assure us this is a small tube, not like the "garden hose" chest tubes that were placed after surgery.
She is also scheduled for a follow-up visit with her surgeon, Dr. Mulligan, to review her progress and potentially have the remainder of her staples removed.
Shirley is already showing some more signs of having energy. I am hopeful that tomorrow is a good day for putting plans in place to resolve this two lingering issues.
Love you, Shirl. Hope all is resolving. Praying and thinking about you all of the time, sis. Can't wait to talk to you when you're up for it. Love, Kris
Praying for you, Shirley.
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