I am so delighted to be reporting good news. Today really has the feeling of turning a corner.
When I arrived at the hospital this morning, Shirley was awake and very alert. Her day and night nurses were just beginning their hand-off and Shirley listened inventively--much of what was reported having happened over the last week being news to her.
In the prior few days, when Shirley was awake, you could ask her a yes/no question and get an head nod with her response. Today, she is using a pad of paper and writing notes. And the motor skills have improved during the course of the as she's gone from barely able to hold on to a large pen, to being able to hold a normal-sized pen and write relatively legibly.
Shirley also got out of bed twice today and stood beside the bed for several minutes. On the second try, the therapist asked her to shift her weight from foot to foot. While holding on to a walker for support, she danced a little jig. I was not able to get my camera into video mode fast enough, but I will be ready for the next time!
Shirley continues to make great progress on her fluid retention removal. Today was the first day that the discussion included talk of what would need to happen in order for her ventilator tube to be removed. We're still probably a few days away, but it sounds like the tube could be out before the weekend.
Fabulous news!!!! Way to go Shirley!
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