The nurse put in the call to the pharmacy to get a replacement pill and normally there are regular shuttle deliveries making such a 30 minute wait or so. But last night, the shuttle just didn't come. And since he had held off on her sleeping pill so that she wouldn't have to be awakened, by the time the pill did arrive at 12:30, Shirley was really off her normal cycle.
When I arrived this morning at 7:30, she was still dozing and did until well past 9. She took another nap mid afternoon and has been asleep for another hour now (7 to 8 pm). I'll wake her up soon so that there is a chance she'll be able to return to a normal sleep schedule tonight.
The staff social worker dropped by today to say he had initiated contact with the UW Medical Center Rehab program. No word back yet, but the target is for a Friday move.
Between naps today, Shirley did get up. She got herself dressed in something besides the hospital gown and brushed her teeth at the sink. She again walked out to the healing gardens. Her legs did give out on her once about 80% of the way there, and finished the journey in the trailing wheelchair. After a nice respite in the sun, she got up and walked back the same distance that she did on the way out. This amounted to at least a 50% improvement in distance walked since yesterday.
I keep teasing her that if she keeps increasing her distance by 50-100% each day, soon she'll be walking a Marathon!
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