Tuesday, July 2, 2013

ICU Day 35 - The LTAC

I teased you yesterday with announcement that Shirley's time in the ICU was coming to an end.  Her next stop is to be Regional Hospital, a Long Term Acute Care (LTAC) facility specializing in working with patients on ventilators and weaning them off of same. It has been described as an intermediate step between an ICU and a Rehab facility for those no longer sick, but in need of acute care.

One of the admitting liaisons (a  nurse practitioner by trade) came by this morning and visited with us and told us about the facility.  He stayed around for rounds so he got the latest scoop on Shirley's present condition and plan for the day.

Later in the day, I drove out the the facility, which is near SeaTac airport.  It is a small (about 30 beds) non-profit facility. It is not facilitated with any other hospital, but does lease space from another specialty hospital.  Their medical director is a pulmonologist who was formerly the medical director for the ICU at Swedish Hospital.  Regional has been in operation for about 19 years.

I received a nice tour of the facility from the Director of Respiratory Therapy.  It is a really different environment from UW, but seems appropriately staffed, yet far more relaxed.  While quiet busy during the day time, my guide said the place really quiets down at night--which will hopefully mean that Shirley will begin to get some much needed rest and real sleep.

The folks at Regional are expecting Shirley possibly as early as Thursday.  We should learn tomorrow from the team here at UW if they are on board for that timeline.

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